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From ON BEING AN ARTIST: Three Plays and a Libretto
To Purchase ON BEING AN ARTIST: Three Plays and a Libretto
Listen to SOUL MATE
Words by Judith Weinshall Liberman
Music by Stephen Feig
Copyright © 2023 by Judith Weinshall Liberman

Let me tell you
What I've known
As an old widow
Left alone.

When you are old
And your mate's gone,
The saddest part,
When you're alone,

Is not that you
Cannot now speak
To your dear mate
When life is bleak,

But rather that
Your silence now
No-one can hear,
No-one knows how.

Your soul mate's gone,
And he alone
Could hear your silence,
And would have known.

I've lived way past
My golden years.
My heart is filled
With silent tears.

Now that I'm old
And my mate's gone,
The saddest part,
When I'm alone,

Is not that I
Cannot now speak
To my dear mate
When life is bleak,

But rather that
My silence now
No-one can hear,
No-one knows how.

My soul mate's gone,
And he alone
Could hear my silence,
And would have known.

Some day I'll join him
Where we're free,
And once again
We'll soul mates be.

I will be quiet,
Never speak,
Though times become
So very bleak.

I will stay mum.
My silence, though,
My mate will hear,
And he will know.

My soul mate's gone,
And he alone
Could hear my silence,
And would have known.